Packing List for TTT
What should skiers pack?
Ski gear
Your Classic and Freestyle/skate ski gear are needed.
- Both pairs of skis
- Rock skis if you have them
- Both pairs of ski boots or your Combi boots
- Both pairs of poles
You want to remain warm and dry, comfortable in the evenings and on the van.
- Ski clothing for four workouts (Day 1: one workout, Day 2: two workouts, Day 3: one workout)
- Warm clothes for colder temperatures, like a balaclava (covering face and head), buff, headband, and/or hat
- Extra gloves or mittens
- Extra warm socks
- Snow boots, if you have room
- Pajamas
- Comfortable clothing for evening gatherings and the bus trip home
If you like to keep your sweaty clothes separate from your clean clothes, you might pack a large plastic bag to separate them.
You are welcome to bring snacks. Coach Abery suggests aiming for high protein and without sugar.
You are staying at an airbnb house. There will be bedding, but you may also want to bring a sleeping bag. No toiletries are provided.
- Towel and washcloth, as needed
- Toiletries
- Shower shoes if wanted
Additionally, consider what you may want at night in your room.
- Headlamp
- Phone/device charger
- Cards, board games
How should skiers pack?
Three bags are needed. Make sure your name is on the outside of EVERY bag.
Your daypack/backpack will stay with you in the van to and from Ironwood.
Bag 1: Daypack/backpack
This bag will stay with you on the bus both ways.
- A lunch and drink from home for the trip north
- Money for the return trip as the group will stop to get fast food
- Skate boots
- Ski clothes/gear for first ski session on Day 1
- Sports bottle with water or sports drink
Bag 2: Ski bag
Skis will travel in a separate van.
- Both pairs of skis and rock skis, if you have them
- Both pairs of poles
- Classic boots
- If you are not using a ski bag, make sure skis and poles are securely tied together. Rubber bands do not work.
Bag 3: Overnight pack (suitcase or duffle bag)
All ski clothing, snacks, toiletries, etc. that are not needed in your daypack/backpack.
This bag will not be available until you arrive at your lodging location after your first ski.

ISD 196 Nordic Ski Booster Club | email:
Head Coach: Brian Abery | email: