Example Scenarios of Skier Expenses
The following are examples of skier expenses based on their grade level, experience, and how they obtain their equipment based on data included on Skier Checklist & Expenses and Equipment. The examples are a subset of all the possibilities and assume purchase of equipment specifically from Finn Sisu -- not purchasing from another store or purchasing used equipment, which skiers are welcome to do.
In the tables below, an asterisk, * , after an item indicates that this expense is paid for as part of the team enrollment process. Prices assume new equipment, BUT skiers can often purchase used equipment for far lower prices.
Note that the Winter Training Trip is not included in expenses below as it is variable and can be minimized or eliminated through fundraising.

ISD 196 Nordic Ski Booster Club | email: isd196nordicskiteam@gmail.com
Head Coach: Brian Abery | email: abery001@umn.edu